Saturday, November 08, 2008

Rise & Shine!

Growing up on the farm in North Dakota was a good thing; the hard work kept me off the streets and taught me many good lessons about living. It would bug the heck out of me when my dad would call up the stairs of our small two-story farm home at 4:30 or 5:00 am and say “get up the day is a-wastin” or “rise and shine”. I wanted to yell back “I’ll rise but don’t expect me to shine." That would have been a seriously dumb thing to do!

There were many tough times, like six foot snow banks to crawl over just to get to the barn to milk cows, hail that shredded crops or putting up hay in 100 degree heat. Sometimes there wasn’t much money but dad and my mom just kept working.

People would say “what are you going to do”? My dad’s answer typically was “I’m going to get up, put my pants on and go to work." Dad didn’t always know what the results would be but he worked through the tough times.

Times are pretty tough in our economy and in real estate. Personally, I’m not complaining about the real estate business but I know it has been very hard for many people and I do feel for them. I don’t have all the answers but I am an optimist and my mantra continues to be “rise and shine”, put my pants on and go to work.

It’s Saturday morning…..have a wonderful weekend…..I’m going to work!

Life is a Gift…Live It!

Gary Nathan
Amanda Mavis
Woodland Dev. & Realty
15617 Railroad Street
Hayward, WI 54843