Numbers can be interesting and deceiving; Chris McGrath, broker associate in our office, has this to offer.
The Realtors Association of Northwest Wisconsin (RANWW) MLS statistics for 2009 vs 2010 indicates a value improvement for Sawyer County in 2010. The median sale price went up as well, just at a different rate depending on how you calculate the increase. (i.e. the median of the 12 months or the average of the 12 months).
These statistics differ from the ones we just received from the Wisconsin Realtor Association (WRA). The WRA totals indicate that the number of units sold remained virtually unchanged from 2009(278) to 2010(276). WRA also indicates a slight reduction (down 3.2%) in the median price from 2009 to 2010 ($155,500 to $150,500).
Why the different numbers?
According to the RANWW the WRA numbers include other data sources such as auctions, non-MLS transactions and foreclosures. Compared to the RANWW which includes Multiple Listing Service (MLS) data only. The WRA numbers include non-MLS data and MLS data.
One could argue that the overall market value is determined by all transactions, not just those from MLS.
Of course, one could also argue that the RANWW numbers are more representative of the actual market because the other sales were either distressed (as most auctions are) or sales that were the result of private and/or other non Multiple Listing Service transactions, thus not representative of our overall market.

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Gary Nathan & Amanda Mavis
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