Friday, February 12, 2010

Latest Results

Hope you are enjoying the sun; it has been spectacular winter weather in Hayward. This weekend is the big Pre-Birkie Race so town will be hopping.

According to the REALTORS®’ report, fourth quarter home sales in Wisconsin were 25.6 percent above the same quarter in 2008.

Home sales in Wisconsin rallied in the fourth quarter after steady improvements throughout the year, bringing final 2009 existing home sales back to their 2008 levels, according to the year-end analysis of home sales conducted by the Wisconsin REALTORS® Association (WRA).

In the Midwest home prices were down by a modest margin in comparison to the rest of the country. The report went on to say that the first half of the year was down significantly compared to 2008, and the second half of the year grew at a very healthy rate.

In Wisconsin the median home prices fell 7.7 percent to $143,000 in 2009 as compared to 2008 which is much better than the decline of 11.9 percent for the U.S.

In Sawyer County we experienced a 20% gain in sales in January as compared to the same period last year. Total sales volume was $2,978,000 vs. $1,803,527 in '09 which is a 65% increase. The median sold price for this past month was $247,000 as compared to $173,073 in '09 - a 43% increase. Days on market also went down from 230 days in '09 to 146 days this past month.

So, all in all we are off to a good start and continue to remain optimistic.

Have a great weekend and remember - Life is a Gift...Live It!

Gary Nathan
Amanda Mavis
Woodland Developments & Realty
15563 Railroad Street
Hayward, WI 54843