Saturday, October 21, 2006



The housing market does appear to be on solid ground and the October forecasts from many different sources report that the recent cooling will have less than expected negative impact on the economy as a whole. August sales were definitely lower from a year earlier and there is a pretty large inventory.

Personally I think the media tends to report the extreme which has a negative affect on both buyers and sellers.
We consumers continue to spend and the falling energy prices and recent Dow Jones run has certainly triggered smiles.
Locally we just keep chugging along and much of the above translates into continued buyer interest; the forecast for the rest of the year and the first half of next year looks to be very good.

My advice to buyers is to not postpone their prospecting for that dream cabin, home or land. Historically speaking inventories are strong, mortgage rates are good and sellers are in the mood to sell.

Have a wonderful weekend……….

Enjoy, Life Is Good!

Gary A. Nathan
Woodland Developments & Realty
15617 Railroad Street, Hayward, WI 54843
FAX 715-634-2884