Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Universal Design

There is a new buzz word out there in the building industry that we need to pay attention to. It is “Universal Design”. What is universal design and how is it being used in our Hayward community?

Our good friend, Dennis Smith, of Par Place Condominiums and Apple Awards, provided me with the following information about Universal Design and specifically about his current building at Par Place.

"Universal Design is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design. What makes a home "universal"? It's simple. Everyone can use universal design! It doesn't matter if you are young or old. You could be short or tall, healthy or ill. You might have a disability. Or you may be a prize-winning athlete. Because of universal design, people who are very different can all enjoy the same home. And that home will be there for all its inhabitants even when their needs change.

Universal design is getting popular for three reasons.

First, it is safer. Many of the barriers that cause accidents and falls are eliminated.

Second, it looks nice. People with disabilities don't feel like they are settling for an institutional feeling house. And people who don't have disabilities think that universal homes look and work much better than the old models.

Third, more people want universal housing. This means that the old ways of designing homes just don't work anymore. We all want more comfort in our homes. Opening doors with arms full of groceries is as difficult at 30 as it is at 70. People live longer than they used to. More of us are living with disabilities, or know someone who does, so comfort is important in our homes. The traditional home that serves you well when you are healthy won't always take care of you when you break a leg or hurt your back. Younger people also want a home that will take care of them when they are sick or injured. People now realize that they need homes that will grow old with them. The 82 year old still wants to live in his or her own home; that person just needs a home that allows that to be the case. That's why universal design provides a great plan.

In Hayward, Par Place Condominiums is now constructing homes with many Universal Design features such as:
- One-level living with low or no thresholds in doorways
- Wide interior doors and hallways 36” to 42”
- Lever handles for opening doors rather than twisting knobs
- Light switches with large flat panels rather than small toggle switches
- Attached and heated garage with a no-step entry for easy access to your home in all seasons and weather
- A no-step entryway to the home provides access to the outdoors without steps
- Bright and appropriate lighting, particularly task lighting
- Two large full baths with handicap accessibility including a large no-threshold shower
- Energy Star Rated homes that are affordable to heat, cool and maintain
- High-quality, low-maintenance exterior construction

Par Place also has location and services that work well with Universal design. Located on a 40-acre property in the city of Hayward, there are no steep hills or grades to traverse whether driving or walking. It is close to such things as shopping & health care and actually within walking distance to pick up groceries and hardware. The local Sawyer County Transit provides quick, affordable rides to appointments or lunch at many of the favorite eating establishments. In addition there is affordable outside maintenance for one's universal home that allows more flexibility for travel. Your investment will be cared for and protected. "

We do hope you found this informative and helpful.

Take care & Enjoy - Life is a Gift...Live It!

Gary A. Nathan

Cell: 715.699.4040
Office: 715.634.2110
Home: 715.634.3585
Woodland Developments & Realty
15563 Railroad Street
Hayward, WI 54843