Friday, May 01, 2009

Warming Up!

Greetings! It's fishing opener in Wisconsin and the weather is warming up! If you don't find the walleye fishing very friendly tomorrow, I heard my basketball buddies bragging about great crappie fishing. They were all talking about their favorite holes but no one was saying where I could find those spots.

Speaking of warming up, there was a report yesterday from the Economic Cycle Research Institute (ECRI) that said the current recession, which is the longest post war, will probably end by the time the summer is over. The ECRI uses leading indicators that have a solid track record of predicting turns in the business cycle. It said that enough of its' key gauges have turned upward to indicate with certainty that a recovery is coming.

The real estate climate here has warmed up and local appraisers are really busy. Let's hope our local building contractors and vendors see an uptick in their work. Speaking of ticks, they are out in force so plan (protect) accordingly.

Have a wonderful weekend and remember...Life is a Gift...Live It!

Gary Nathan
Amanda Mavis
Woodland Developments & Realty
15617 Railroad Street
Hayward, WI 54843