Friday, August 03, 2007

What Can We Expect?

The market woes of last week cause many investors to ask what one can expect. Wall Street is pretty weird sometimes. Despite the fact that earnings, for the most part, are accelerating, economic growth has picked up, core inflation is down and the Fed is probably going to lower rates, we get a big sell off. Talk about reacting without thinking.

In real estate I find buyers to be pretty cautious and think through their options before making a final decision. Most do a really good job of checking out value before jumping into a real estate deal just because it “feels” right. The slowdown in the housing market has caused buyers to do more homework. Conversely it has caused sellers to do a better job of staging their homes and being more reasonable in pricing. Out of the negative we get some good positives as well.

Real Estate in our area continues to do well because we are a second home, vacation home and retirement haven. Expect that to continue!

It has been another beautiful summer, come and see us and enjoy a little bit of heaven here on earth!

Life Is Good……Enjoy!

Gary Nathan