Thursday, December 13, 2007

Home Gift Ideas That Are High Tech

Need some gift ideas that will bring your home into the twenty-first century? Here are a few of the latest gadgets that are guaranteed to thrill the receiver. These products will improve safety, energy efficiency, and overall quality of life, and are just plain fun.

A Watchdog Robot for $300 called "Spygee"; it's 18" tall and battery-operated. Keeps an eye on the home while you are away. From a web site you can direct the robot's movements and see what is going on in your home through it's digital eyes. It will snap still photos and records videos with sound which you can view and hear online. It sounds an alarm if anything comes into its line of sight and emails you a photo. You might be surprised to find out what goes on when you are away! Meccano at 800-77-NIKKO.

For about $200 you can put in an alarm sensor that will call you and tell you that your garage door is open, the pipes are nearly frozen, your power has been off for over an hour or if there is some unusual movement in your home plus a "bunch" more. It will text message or email you as well. Go to

For under $700 there is a SmartSense Ventilation System that can be installed in your HVAC that will improve indoor air quality by automatically turning a network of fans on to boost fresh air. It removes pollutants and minimizes mold and mildew growth. Go to Broan-NuTone.

One of my favorites - Help in the Kitchen! No need to wait at the grill or oven to see if dinner is ready. A two-part thermometer beeps or speaks when your food is ready or almost ready. One part goes into the food and the other wireless part stays with works up to 330 feet away. The Grill Right Wireless Talking BBQ/Oven Thermometer is just $60 from Oregon Scientific at 800-853-8883. OK for those who really know me this is a great gift for Shari since I don't really cook much.....still one of my favorites!

For a couple of great ideas check out the Weather-Sensitive Sprinkler System from Cyber-Rain or the Aura Wireless Lighting Controls from Lutron Electonics Co. And finally for you serious wine lovers...go to CellarTracker (314-667-5328) for the ultimate in Ultra-Organized Wine Cellars.

We have enjoyed winter-wonderland weather this past week; may you enjoy your weekend with loved ones and friends!

Life Is Good....Enjoy!

Gary Nathan and
Amanda Mavis